Does your dog not eat without you around? Find out why this happens

Does your dog not eat without you around? Find out why this happens. Illustration PetepopDoes your dog not eat without you around? Find out why this happens. Illustration Petepop

Is your dog greedy and loves treats, but he stops eating as soon as you leave his side? In daily life, this doesn’t worry you because you are always ready to feed him during mealtimes.

However, you can’t go on vacation and leave him with another family member for fear that your pet will go on a “hunger strike”? Find out why your dog doesn’t eat without you around.

1 – Maybe your dog misses you

According to Dog Time, your dog may be used to having you around during meals. Dogs are social animals, and your pet might see this time as a social event, a moment to share time and strengthen the bond between you.

If this is the case, you can start training him to feel comfortable eating when you are not around. Begin by standing next to the door while he eats. Gradually move into the room and stay out of his sight for a while, but come back afterward. Try putting a treat in your dog’s bowl to distract him.

Continue this process until he gets used to your absence for longer periods. Your dog’s training will be gradual, but he will be able to have a complete meal alone after some time. Be patient.

2 – Maybe he is a guard dog

It is possible that your pet – especially if he is territorial – feels obligated to watch over the house in your absence, and this can become a source of stress for him. Any strange noise, sight, or smell can make him nervous, making it hard for him to relax and eat.

In this situation, try to create a more protected and secure environment for your dog. Close the curtains, turn off anything that might produce noise, like the TV and radio, and check if the environment is free of stimuli. A long walk before leaving him alone at home can also help calm your pet.

3 – Maybe your pet is anxious

Separation anxiety is one of the most common reasons for dogs going on a “hunger strike” and it can manifest in different ways. This means that your pet relies on your presence and does not feel comfortable without you around. Some dogs eat more, while others refuse to touch their food until their owners return.

To reduce your dog’s anxiety, you can take him for a walk to burn off energy or give him certain foods or supplements that promote relaxation. Before making any decisions about this issue, talk to a veterinarian to understand how to handle this behavior and why your dog doesn’t eat without you around.

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